Today was MLK's Birthday so Ed's office was closed, as was daycare. The weather was really nice here today for January (60 degrees and sunny) so Ed decided to take Isabelle on an adventure. They ventured into D.C. on the Metro (chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo!!!!), and went to the D.C. National Aquarium. It pales in comparison to our beautiful Baltimore Aquarium but the $9.00 entry fee versus $30 for Baltimore certainly wins out! And it's much smaller and less imposing than Baltimore's huge expanse so it's a bit more amenable to the 2-year-old with the short attention span.
They saw sharks! Alligators! Frogs! Fish! I got to hear most of the account in detail when they got home. It sounds like they had an awesome day, I just wish I could have attended. But I, working in the commercial world, had to work today, holiday or not.
Now we settle into the doldrums of mid-winter. No football. No warm weather. Several months to wait until we can get outside to play. We are starting our robo-calling of friends to visit so listen closely for your phones! I'm heading to play Bingo with my HS girls next Friday at our old old haunting grounds (school cafeteria!!). Then we're heading to Delaware for a visit to the Tourge's. Ed goes on a biz trip in February so I'll have several Mommy-Daughter days to figure out. All ideas are welcome :)
Bring Izzi to Florida to see the Alligators. Why wait till April? Guess Who!