Friday, January 8, 2010


This is just a snapshot of where Isabelle is at the two-year mark so I can document her new accomplishments accurately…..

She got herself dressed all by herself last week, so we're one step closer to potty training potential! (not that we are in ANY rush though, we're waiting until she's ready).

She is already saying please, thank you, you’re welcome, and god-bless-you without being prompted. So PROUD! Monkey see, monkey do!

She knows all of her friends and family by name, and who belongs with who (who? whom?). She knows that Uncle Don and Aunt Susan live in Chicago. She knows that Kora's mommy is Aunt Jamie. She knows that Clare-Clare's dog is Saddie. She knows that Noah's brother is Gavin. She's a smart little cookie.

Speaking of friends and family, she has to say good night to everyone before going to sleep. We run through the list: Daddy’s family, Mommy’s family, Edgewater friends, Daycare friends, Jesus and God.

We say good night to Jesus and God every night, we’re starting to learn the real good night prayer. She’ll probably have that down by next week, hehe.

She's counting to 20 in English and 10 in Spanish. She knows all of her colors. She can sing her ABCs but doesn't quite recognize her letters when you point them out yet. But she gets that certain words start with certain letters. If you point out the "letter B" she will continue to say: B like in BALL, B like in BEAR, B like in BOY.

She can sing other songs like Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jingle Bells, the Cleanup Song, and a few others. ABCs is her all-time fave, she even dances to it. We taught her to sing Jingle Bells while we were on vacation in Puerto Rico in November. We changed the lyrics a bit so instead of a one-horse open sleigh, it’s…oh what fun it is to ride on a golf cart all the wayyyyyy AY!

Her favorite show is Go, Diego, Go! She's learned a lot of new Spanish words and a lot about animals, so I'm all for it! You won't catch the Wiggles or Barney in this house, not gonna do it!

She’s weighing in about 30 pounds right now, she’s been in the 40-50th percentile since she was born for weight. She’s a skinny little thing. But she’s SO TALL! She’s a full meter now, 36” tall. She has to wear 4T shirts now because her torso is so long. But I think she has Daddy’s legs, they are really short. She’s still wearing 18 month sized pants. Thank God for Old Navy and the adjustable waist-banded pants!

I think that’s the main stuff, we have her 2-year checkup with Dr. Tierney next Friday 1/15 so this was a good refresher for me before we go in there!

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