Monday, November 8, 2010

The Wickedest Witch of Selby

Halloween was a blast this year. It was a chilly night, but we had no rain like last year. Izzi and I were decked out as black and pink witches with full makeup to match. Our little witch got very into character, cackling her way all over the neighborhood. She wished everyone a Happy Halloween, she proclaimed "Trick or Treat?!?!" on cue, and pretty much said Thank You each time without being prompted.

One of the first few houses we visited, she went up to the door for her treats. She turned around to come back down the front walkway and tripped over some uneven bricks. She screamed in terror and pain and I thought she had really hurt herself. Hat askew, plastic pumpkin rolling down the walkway, and dress caught under her feet, she landed flat on her face. I picked her up and checked out the usual spots (knees, face, hands) for blood or raspberries. She was free of any glaring injuries. When she finally caught her breath, she finally was able to tell me what was wrong. "Myyyyyyy cannnnnndddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!". She was devastated at her spilled candy all over the brick walk beneath her. Hilarious. We picked up the candy and were on our way with cackles of delight and a bit of smudged face makeup.

The rest of the evening, we steered clear of any houses with big steps or uneven walkways. We had no more spilled candy tragedies for the remainder of the night.

We finally circled our way back to the community beach. The neighborhood association puts on a Halloween party every year with treats, a haunted hayride, and a costume contest. Isabelle WON this year for the scariest costume in the 'under 5' group. She got a big gift bag full of treats, coloring books, pencils, crayons, stickers, and light sticks.

The only bad part of Halloween this year is that it's over. Izzi did not like having to take the decorations down. But she quickly got over it, when we went to Factory Card Outlet to get the party favors for her friends who are coming to her Birthday Party next weekend.

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