Isabelle is going through another growth spurt. Her emotions are all over the place, she cries at the drop of a hat, and she's accomplishing new things every day.
Just this weekend, we were swimming over at Mom-Mom SuSu's house and she finally let Ed teach her how to swim underwater without holding her nose. This was a big feat for sure, we've been working on it for the two years since we moved to Florida. The kid can swim like a fish, she can dive down for rings on the bottom of the deep end, and she finally mastered a pretty decent cannonball (even though she can't create much of a splash since she's so small). But this past weekend, she stopped holding her nose and now can jump in, swim, and dive underwater without holding her nose.
Then on Monday, she was able to yo-yo for the first time. She can get it rolling up and down about 4-5 times before it finally peters out. Hey, I think that's probably more than I can do.

And finally, she told us she was R-E-A-D-Y to get those training wheels off of her bike. I knew she'd eventually come around to it so we haven't pushed it. We tried to take them off a few months ago and just was NOT prepared or confident enough to give it an honest try so we put the trainers back on her bike and figured we'd wait until she made up her own mind. That was yesterday. We don't have the benefit of hills in Florida so we had to settle for the grass field in our local park. The grass is super short, almost like a putting green so it's pretty easy to pedal on it. It took her about 10 minutes and then she finally just got it. She wasn't confident enough to give it a try on the sidewalk or pavement yesterday, but we'll go up to the park each day after dinner and let her practice a few minutes. I think it should only take her a few days before she's ready for the open sidewalk and we'll go back to riding bikes to school (or Rec Center Summer Camp in a few weeks).
So this has been a BIG week for our little girl. She's growing so fast and she continues to amaze us every day. Kindergarten wraps up here in just 3 weeks, I can't believe the school year is already over. What a fast, fun year it's been. Looking forward to a fun eventful summer, starting with a summer vacation in Maryland the day after school lets out for 10 days.
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