"Pretty Lamb is gone forever, isn't she Mommy?"
That was the question Isabelle asked me after a frenetic tearing-apart of our entire house came up empty in a search for our beloved "Pretty Lamb". Isabelle never had a binky, nor a blankie. But she did have a lovey. She originally clung to her Peter Rabbit for a few months, and we thought he was a keeper.
Then one day, we had cleared baby stuff out of the closets and had it bagged up and ready to go to its new home. The Gund "Comfy Cozy Mini Lammy" was laying on top of one of the outgoing bags. (Meanwhile, Isabelle had never paid ANY attention to the thing while it was in her room). But for some reason, she saw it and fell into instant infatuation. Poor Peter Rabbit got a kick to the curb and her new lovey was affectionately named "Pretty Lamb". And she hasn't left Isabelle's side in over a year.
We have no idea where Pretty Lamb is, but she is gone. Possibly forever. We never let Iz take her out in public for fear of the very situation we find ourselves in now. We're hoping she turns up around here, peacefully napping in some box or secret hiding place.
Ironically, the saddest members of the family and actually Ed & I. Iz seems to have moved on and doesn't even ask for Pretty Lamb anymore, after only a few days. I wanted Pretty Lamb to live in her memory box for many years, but alas, it doesn't look promising. And she's discontinued at Gund so I can't even fake Isabelle out with a replacement.
So, R.I.P. Pretty Lamb. Our little girl is growing up so fast, she apparently doesn't need you anymore. But Ed & I do....so please come home.
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