Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Home

We found Pretty Lamb today! She was found isolated in a big Tupperware storage bin that we had emptied out for donation two weeks ago. I guess all those Lenten prayers worked. She is contentedly resting in Isabelle's lap as we speak. I can't even express how relieved we are. Welcome home, Pretty Pretty Pretty Lamb.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Has Sprung...

...and the allergies have too.

Isabelle woke up from a nap at daycare on Tuesday screaming in pain, saying her ear hurt. We got her into the Pediatrician Wednesday morning and it appears she perforated her ear drum. It sounds worse than it is, a perforation heals itself within a week or two. But, if it happens too much, scar tissue can develop which would result in hearing loss (partial or complete depending on how much scar tissue develops).

She has had large tonsils since she was born, our ENT said they will most likely have to be removed eventually. These days, they try to wait until the child is 5 years old before doing that surgery, unless the tonsils start to have repeated infections, or the child gets Strep Throat a few times. Thankfully, Isabelle's tonsils haven't gotten infected yet, but they have actually grown. They are now in the category of "Kissing Tonsils" which means the tonsils are actually touching or overlapping in the back of her throat. This causes major sleep issues including apnea, and mouth breathing which can lead to mouth/teeth/jaw issues.

It appears the perforated ear drum was a result of a severe allergic reaction. Seasonal allergies typically don't show up in children until after the age of 2 and they can come on suddenly. Which is exactly what happened in this case. She had the allergy "shiners" which is reddish-purple rings around the eyes. Because she can't quite figure out how to blow her nose yet, the allergies caused a huge build-up of pressure in her ears and the ear drum bursts from that pressure.

So for now she's on an anti-biotic to kill any infection from the ear drum perf. She's also on a daily allergy regimen of Claritin and Nasonex spray. Oddly enough, she tolerates both very well. We got an emergency appointment with her ENT for next Wednesday so we'll know more about the tonsil situation next week and will keep you posted.

Of all the things we pass along to our offspring, I'm sorry she got Mommy's allergies.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

R.I.P. Pretty Lamb

"Pretty Lamb is gone forever, isn't she Mommy?"

That was the question Isabelle asked me after a frenetic tearing-apart of our entire house came up empty in a search for our beloved "Pretty Lamb". Isabelle never had a binky, nor a blankie. But she did have a lovey. She originally clung to her Peter Rabbit for a few months, and we thought he was a keeper.

Then one day, we had cleared baby stuff out of the closets and had it bagged up and ready to go to its new home. The Gund "Comfy Cozy Mini Lammy" was laying on top of one of the outgoing bags. (Meanwhile, Isabelle had never paid ANY attention to the thing while it was in her room). But for some reason, she saw it and fell into instant infatuation. Poor Peter Rabbit got a kick to the curb and her new lovey was affectionately named "Pretty Lamb". And she hasn't left Isabelle's side in over a year.

We have no idea where Pretty Lamb is, but she is gone. Possibly forever. We never let Iz take her out in public for fear of the very situation we find ourselves in now. We're hoping she turns up around here, peacefully napping in some box or secret hiding place.

Ironically, the saddest members of the family and actually Ed & I. Iz seems to have moved on and doesn't even ask for Pretty Lamb anymore, after only a few days. I wanted Pretty Lamb to live in her memory box for many years, but alas, it doesn't look promising. And she's discontinued at Gund so I can't even fake Isabelle out with a replacement.

So, R.I.P. Pretty Lamb. Our little girl is growing up so fast, she apparently doesn't need you anymore. But Ed & I please come home.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I got slammed at work on Monday, worked late the last two nights and will be working late again tonight. So goes it with the job that I have. I have deadlines, and they usually are unrealistic. But I work from home, so how can I complain, right? Riiiiight.

I just went downstairs to refill my water glass and see the family. Isabelle was playing in the living room with her doll house, while Ed was doing some schoolwork on his computer. Isabelle's doll house people were "having a conversation" and the two little girls asked the Mommy to play with them. But Mommy said she was TOO busy.

The girls walked away sad, but found Daddy. They asked him to play with them and HE said yes.

Wow. Shot the heart. The doll house never lies.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sugary Goodness

We made it to 11am mass this morning. Our last Mass was in Tampa two weeks ago. The weekend we got home from Florida, I was sick as a dog, comatose on the sofa. Plus, Ed and Isabelle were still getting over their colds. And considering I sneer at those people who come to Church hacking and sneezing all over the place, we decided it was best for the general community if we stayed home. We also missed Isabelle’s last class of Tumble Tots. Oh well, it happens.

Anyway, after Mass in Tampa, Ed & I were in desperate need of another cup of coffee. I asked if there was a Dunkin Donuts nearby. There just happened to be one just around the corner. So Ed, me, Isabelle, Mom-Mom Su-Su and Pop-Pop Bill all went to Dunkin Donuts and had juice, a donut, and coffee (well…not Isabelle on the coffee). She was a very good girl during Mass so we told her she got a treat for being so well-behaved. (Ed wasn’t so well-behaved but we still let him get a donut).

Two weeks later (today) we go to Mass. And it was quite the feat. It was raining, there was a traffic accident outside of our neighborhood, which had the road down to one lane, and Isabelle was acting up in the car after only 5 minutes. It wasn’t looking too promising. It would have been really easy to make a u-turn and head home. We even discussed that option.

But, we trudged on, made it to Church, and alas, she surprised us once again. She was quiet, non-squirmy, and paid attention (as much as a 3yo can). She said her “Our Father” loud and proud.

We got into the car after Mass and I thanked her for being such a GOOD girl today. She then said in her most precocious voice…”So, Mommy. Since I was sooooo good today, what do I get for my treat?” Really?

But, she got one. Lemon frosted cake at Starbucks (her choice, not mine….gross). (Well, we did need our post-Church coffee fix).

So, since we don’t bribe her with sugar before Mass, is rewarding her with sugar after good behavior such a bad thing?