Isabelle is home today for a snow day. Daycare was officially open, but we woke up to a pretty icy/sleety situation and it's going to turn over to snow at some point. It was just easier to keep her home. So she is playing, drawing, watching cartoons, etc. One of her cartoons was over and she wanted another episode on (we have several recorded on the DVR for just this kind of day).
I hold onto the remote control on days like this because Isabelle likes to think she knows how it works, but she totally doesn't. It can often take me several minutes to "undo" a series of buttons that she pushes on the remote control. So this morning, it was time to put a new episode on, but I couldn't locate the remote control. I must have had it in my hand when the phone rang, and placed it down in a very illogical spot. So when I tell Iz that I have to find the remote, she says....
"But, Mommy, you JUST had it in your hands....you MUST be losing your mind!"
Hilarious. Ed says that exact phrase about 10x every night. I think the whole family needs to start taking Ginkgo Biloba supplements to improve mental function.
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