The Elf on the Shelf has landed in Edgewater. Geega finally found one last year and gave it to us after Christmas was over so we got to introduce him this year. For those of you know don't know of this new must-have trend, it's a book that comes with a little elf in a santa costume. The book explains how he works. He's sent by Santa himself to watch over boys and girls the weeks before Christmas. Every night, he flies back to the North Pole to give Santa the report for that day (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
Now there are a few rules. He cannot be touched or his magic will dissappear. He can't talk to you, but he is a very good listener. So if you really want Santa to bring you a special toy or present for Christmas, you can tell him what your wish is for.
The true magic of the elf is that he pops up in the oddest places around the house. You might wake up to find him on your bookshelf. You could turn around one day in your playroom and find him staring at you from the window sill. Or he could be a spunky little guy who climbs into your Christmas tree while you are playing in the living room. Hopefully he doesn't scare you when you go grab your juice out of the fridge, he very well might be waiting for you in there.
When he arrives at your house, you have to give him a name. Isabelle named her Elf "Wizzle" with a little help from Ed.
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