Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ack, all aboard the busy train!

The Wonderful World of Iz goes on, but I am too busy to share! Sorry folks, after a fabulous computer-less vacation in Tampa, followed by a whirlwind 48-hour weekend of filmmaking, capped with 3 days of hell-at-work - I just haven't had time to notice, let alone capture, any of the funny little Isabelle moments.

However, I just got a call from Daddy, who took Isabelle to her last swim class in Level 1 this evening and she passed! Even though they typically don't let you start Level 1 until you are 3 years old, she started at 2 and passed. So we'll start her in Level 2 this fall.

Nothing like starting the Type-A Overachieving mentality now, right?