We switched our swim class from Saturday mornings to Wednesday nights. Last night was class #3. This was my first time in the pool with Izzi during class (Ed went into the pool the first two lessons).
The Instructor came over to us gals during the lesson to inquire about Isabelle's age. After I told her that Isabelle just turned 2 in November, she told me that Isabelle was ready to move to Level 2, but they don't let them take Level 2 until they are at least 3 years old.
So we'll skip signing up for future sessions this year until Fall. We will probably take the session that ends in early November so she can be acclimated with the whole 'pool thing' before we head to swimmer's utopia in beautiful Puerto Rico. Then we can jump into a Level 2 session after the craze of the holidays are over.
But last night, just 3 lessons in, Isabelle decided to try the full back float. Success at Level 1 includes full ear submersion, head back, chin up to the sky, belly up, and legs straight. She was floating on her own! (So take THAT Uncle Sean!!!).
She also astonished me with the bubbles. She still won't put her full face in the water on her own (forehead and hairline have to be submerged), but she will put her mouth/nose into the water and blow bubbles the whole lesson if we asked her to. She doesn't mind being dunked completely, if we're playing a game, and loves to jump off the wall from a seated position (on my own, Mommy!).
I look forward to the day when she can swim out of my arms and across the width of the pool on her own. Ed & I were water babies who loved to swim so I look forward to Isabelle getting to that comfort level as well.
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