When Isabelle was born, I frantically scattered to try and remember the classic lullabies that I was supposed to sing. What were the words? How did that melody go? I only knew the old standby "Rock-a-bye Baby". If you know the words, sing it to yourself right now..........I'm waiting...........
It's NOT a happy song. A baby falls out of a tree when the wind blows. Ummmm, what? Is that supposed to put a baby peacefully to sleep? Or give a new mother any warm and fuzzy feelings when she tucks her newborn in at night?
It wasn't working for me. So I scattered a bit more and came up with the "You Are My Sunshine" song. (just in case you don't remember it...you make me happy, when skies are gray, you'll never know dear, how much i love you, oh please don't take my sunshine away....).
So Isabelle now knows the song and she sings it often. Singing it to her can sometimes make the difference between a temper tantrum or a near-miss situation. She loves it and I still love to sing it to (or with) her.
Recently, she decided (quite creatively) that she could substitute ANY word or item for "sunshine" in the song. So tonight we had...
you are my SOCKS, my only SOCKS, you make me happyyyyyyyy, when skies are gray......
It makes us laugh and it's such a cute game we play now. But, it does become a bit odd at times like yesterday when Ed told her to put her arms into her shirt, she started to sing the song with "arms" as the substitution word and the last line became a bit morbid when she hoped....
"...please don't take my arms away..."