We had our very first swim lesson this evening. Yippee! We really had planned on beginning this last year but just never got around to calling to reserve her a spot. We signed Isabelle up for the Saturday morning class at 10:30am. The session lasts six weeks and lessons are 30 minutes each.
We missed her first class already because we were still in Tampa this past Saturday. So we were able to make that one up any night this week. So we went to our first class tonight and we all had SO much fun! We had to drag Isabelle out of the pool kicking and screaming, she just didn't want to leave swim class.
She did everything the instructor asked her to - put her face in the water, let Ed dunk her a few times while playing ring-around-the-rosie, laid back in the water in an early attempt to float, kicked her legs, paddled her arms, everything!
The only thing she didn't quite master in her first lesson was how to blow bubbles. She put her face in the water like the instructor was showing her, and she laughed when everyone else blew bubbles in the water, but when she tried to do it herself, she ended up swallowing water instead of making bubbles. We'll have to practice this one on dry land to get her to understand how to exhale with purpose! They suggested a game where we crumple up pieces of paper and give everyone a straw and we have to blowwww the game pieces across a finish line. Could be fun, we'll at least give it a whirl. I certainly don't want her to fail her first level of swim lessons because of a few missing bubbles.
Isabelle's Uncle Sean never did learn how to float. Maybe bubbles are going to be the monkey on her back.
Gee-Ga is soooo proud of you, taking swim lessons and potty training. And, you looked so good in your "surfer-girl" suit. I'll bet you have those bubbles down in no time!