Monday, February 20, 2012

What the F?

It’s been a slow start this year. I started to blog for a Ravens fan site and so my January was busy with that. Then I went into depression mode post-playoff-loss and then we flew to Tampa on February 10th to have a nice long visit with Mom-Mom SuSu and Pop-Pop Bill. We’re still here until the 27th, 2.5 weeks escaping winter (even if it’s been a mild one thus far, we’re still missing a little wintry slop this weekend from what I hear).

Right before we left Maryland, my laptop crashed. Literally. I was putting it down on the table and it slipped at the last second, bumped the table and got physical damage in the hard drive. I sat in our corporate IT warehouse for 2 hours watching them try to recover my data with no luck. I had lost everything. And I hadn’t done a backup in a really long time (lesson learned!!!). I had started a few blog posts for WWOI that were mid-stream and now they are gone, so I have a blank slate for 2012 and will have to collect fresh ideas as they occur.

This story has already gained some traction since we’ve been telling it since we got here. My dad drove us to the airport last Friday night and on our way up 97, Isabelle was yammering in the backseat as always. Sometimes she’s talking to us, sometimes to her make-believe peeps, and sometimes she’s just uttering non-sense words. She thinks non-sense words are the best. It doesn’t require a reply from us, so I’m kind of a fan too.

So on our drive to the airport, it was non-sense that won out. Until she busted out a loud “Oh FAWK it”! Ummmm, what? My Dad and I started to laugh, sitting in the front seat. Ed explained very sternly that she is NOT to use that word, it’s a bad word, etc. She told Ed very matter-of-factly, “but, Mommy says it”. Yes, yes I do but if people would learn how the F to drive, I wouldn’t need to say the F’n word!!!

Our flight was uneventful, no cuss words busted out during the bumpy flight. When we arrived in Tampa, it was late, about 11:30pm. So the airport was a ghost town – lights dimmed, stores closed, restaurants dark, seats empty. As we walk from the tunnel into the airport, Isabelle stops. She puts her hands on her hips and looks around. She gets a serious demeanor and says, “Guys? What the HELL is going on here?”

I went into a brisk jog just to get enough ahead of her that she wouldn’t hear me busting out laughing. Ed took care of the discipline, again. Since we all now know, that she probably learned that one from Mommy too.

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