I saw a video a few years ago called "The Gift of an Ordinary Day" by Katrina Kenison. It made me cry because of it's absolute truth. We photograph things. We record video. We document on Facebook and other social media outlets. But most of us forget to stop and recognize the precise perfection of those ordinary days and moments.
Every year around Mother's Day, I remember this video. And with the power of the internet, I get to re-watch it every year. It still makes me cry. And I still post it to my Facebook account to share it with my mama friends. There isn't a mother in the world who can't appreciate the message of appreciating those ordinary days.
I try to capture you in a camera in so many moments, Izzi. But my most favorite memories are the times when we are just being our snuggly selves, or our most silly beings. Those are the snippets of time when I can't grab a camera because there isn't one nearby, and I don't even care. I have these memories in my head, but I wish we could have a life-long videographer standing by, just so we could re-live it one day together (like we do with your baby videos, because those are FUN!)
I won't forget the early morning snuggles before school. Or the "just because" kisses and hugs I get from you when I'm least expecting them. Or the surprise post-it notes on my bathroom mirror telling me I'm the *M*A*M*E* (Most Awesome Mom Ever).
I'll also remember the look on your face when you are 'forced' to eat asparagus (or broccoli or peas or some other green thing that you "HATE") and realize that it's not so bad, when we sit down every night for our family dinner. And you know that it's healthy and that you SHOULD eat it, so you just get over your bad self and do it.
Mommy loves you so much, Bean. And you still call me Mommy at 8 years old, which is a miracle. I know you refer to me as your "Mom" with your friends, but you still call me Mommy when it's just you and I. It's a fleeting moment in time, I know. And I know your friends are using "Mom" with their own mothers. And I also know you still call me "Mommy" because you understand it makes me happy. And for that, you are an amazing daughter who is way too mature for her age.
I love you, bean sprout, baby cakes, little bean, Izzi-licious. (I'm just making stuff up here, we don't really call you most of these things.)
LOVE, Mommy, xoxo