Izzi got to the word and stopped. She started to sound it out. It's not a hard compound word for her, so she got the pig and the tails but she still hesitated to move on. She looked at the picture, then back at the words. She finally finished the sentence out loud but then she stopped.
Izzi: Mommy? What in the world are PIG tails?
Me: You know what pigtails are, baby. We put pigtails in your hair for every soccer game, it's when you have two ponytails instead of one and there is one on each side of your head.
Izzi: So when I play soccer, you put PIG tails in my hair?
Me: Yup! Why? What's wrong?
Izzi: Oh...nothing. I just always thought they were called PINK tails.
Me: I think I like pinktails better.
Izzi: Me too, I think I'll always call them that.
Pinktails and marshpillows, that's what little girls are made of :)