Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Whole New World

That whole “let’s put the house on the market and see what happens” thing? That turned into a frenetic two-month sprint of going 60mph for every waking moment. The last week might have been running at 90mph with no sleeping moments. It’s been fast and furious and we’re trying to relax enough to regain some energy but also gain some energy to keep progressing. Because we still have a LOT to do.

We settled on our house Friday, April 20th at 3pm. Everything at settlement went great, there were no surprises and everyone was really nice. Our little bungalow in the Selby-on-the-Bay neighborhood was sold to an adorable young couple with two small sons. I hope they have as much fun in the old ‘hood as we did for our 8 years there.

On Friday night, we said goodbye to our Edgewater friends. On Saturday, Izzi and Jen went to an Egan girls lunch and then all of us headed out to Mom’s house for dinner and a sleepover. We had breakfast with Dad on Sunday morning and then hit the road to the Auto Train on Sunday (more on that in a future post). The train left at 4pm and we pulled into the Sanford, Florida station around 7:30am the next morning.

We aren’t official Florida residents yet, but we will be soon. And then the fun begins in earnest. Stay tuned…

Friday, April 20, 2012

Adorable Creature of Habit

We’re moving. To Florida we go. Iz came home from school yesterday, her bedroom completely empty except for a pile of play clothes. I asked her to go get changed and she did. I went back there and her uniform shoes were in one corner where her shoe corner used to be. And she put her dirty clothes in the other corner where her hamper once was. What an adorable creature of habit she is!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Everything Old is New Again

We recently went out to Mom's house to clean out my stuff from the basement and my old bedroom. Found my old Barbie's. I love that my 4yo is playing with my old Barbies and clothing circa late 1970s. She thinks the disco outfits are quite groovy. The handmade clothes from my Mom-Mom still make me smile. Wish I could post a picture but too busy packing up the house. Maybe later!