Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Am 3, Going on 10

Isabelle came home from daycare the other day and walked into the house with a sad, pouty face and attitude. I knew something was up. I asked her what was going on and Ed just started to chuckle.

Iz walked over and buried her head in my shoulder and was doing the fake-cry thing. She told me (very seriously)...

"Mommy, I really want to be TEN!"

(me) "Ummm, WHAT?!!?!"

"I reallllllllly want to be ten. I don't want to be three anymore."

(me) "Go to your room. I can't deal with you right now."

Talk about a pouty face and attitude, you should have seen me the rest of the night.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Preschool here she comes!

Ed & I have been researching and touring preschools in the area this month. We love the daycare where Izzi has been for three years but we feel it's time for a change. Izzi has only boys at daycare right now and she really needs to meet some girlfriends. Plus, we want to get her into a more structured "school" setting to prepare her for Kindergarten in 2013.

Today, we visited St. Andrew's Methodist Day School right here in Edgewater. They have openings in the 3-year-old program and the program is amazing. They are a green school - they have rain gardens on campus, each class has their own garden to maintain, they have chickens and goats, and they incorporate environmental lessons into their schoolday.

The preschool program includes Religion, Spanish, Art, Music, Library/Reading, Phys Ed, Science, Social Studies, and Math. They also have clubs and extra-curricular activities for the kids who attend the 'extended care' hours (which Izzi will be in since we both work full time).

We got to meet a few teachers today (the school doesn't have a summer program but the teachers were there cleaning and organizing their classrooms) as well as a few parents who were volunteering their time to get ready for the schoolyear.

We still need to review the packet of information they sent us home with and discuss our options, but as soon as we left the tour, both of us said at the same time "I LOVE IT!!!".

So, I think we've found Izzi's new preschool. And one of the best parts - UNIFORMS! No more morning battles about what the princess is going to wear. Yippeeeee!

For you grandparents who want to read more about the school, click on the logo above and it will take you to the school's website.