We got an email from LRR (Labrador Retriever Rescue) today asking for emergency Foster Homes this coming October. Several of our regular Foster Home Families are going on a group trip this October leaving our all-volunteer organization very short on Foster Homes for about 8 days this Fall.
Oddly enough, the friends we went to the concert with yesterday were talking about their dog, and asking us when we thought we might get another one. A few hours later, watching late night cable at Ed's cousin's house, I caught the last half of Marley & Me on HBO and ended up in tears (once again) watching the movie based off the classic book about a "bad" yellow Lab and the family who loved him. I realized that I do truly miss having a warm, wet nose in my life.
Granted, we're only volunteering to foster for 8 daysl. But anyone who knows us, knows where fostering Labs has led us in the past. We had 2 dogs at one time for several years (3 different Labs rescued so far). And the director of LRR knows us well enough that she will ensure we get a great foster dog, that she knows we'll fall in love with, and end up adopting. Susan is the quintessential organizer of what we call "suckers" in our LRR organization. Those are the "foster homes" that end up adopting the dogs we're only supposedly providing temporary foster homes for.